Friday, April 29, 2011

Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Cancer

Western world, the pace of daily life is severely affected our food choices. We are busy, stressed and often enough do not have time to exercise or prepare healthy meals. Also many people work in front of a computer all day and do not get enough sunlight. Making the right lifestyle decisions, especially in terms of food is important to our health as research shows poor eating habits increase the risk of cancer.

In 2007 the World Cancer Research Fund has made an expert report entitled "Food, nutrition, physical activity and cancer prevention: a global perspective. Researchers all cancer and diet, exercise and evidence concerning the relationship between body fat seen. Total results quite predictable, the findings are explored in people healthy eating, regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk of cancer through were. However, the relationship between body fat and cancer was stronger than previously thought.

Research Panel made ten recommendations. These are:

1. Body fat: body weight is lean as possible within the normal range

2. Exercise: Be physically active every day

3. Food and drink to promote weight gain: energy dense food consumption in the range; avoid sugar beverages

4. Plant Food: Most food intake of plant origin should be

5. Animal Foods: Limit consumption of red meat and processed meats to avoid

6. Alcohol: limit alcoholic drinks

7. Preservation, processing, and preparation: Limit consumption of salt; Avoid moldy cereals (grains) or pulses (legumes)

8. Supplements: the nutritional needs through food alone to meet the target

9. Breastfeeding: Mothers to breastfeed, the children to breastfeeding

10. Cancer survivors: Follow recommendations for cancer prevention

Recommendations, many of us are worried that we follow the right diet or exercise program may not be given. The quick takeaway food and drink to get caught out at night as they are very convenient and, unfortunately, are delicious easy. There are three important to remember when to change things in our lifestyle:

1. How do you really think you also drink, eat unhealthy food has a lot to get in touch with or do not exercise. It is likely that you really do not feel good at all.

2. Remember also that small changes can have a positive effect. You do not have to go on a strict detox some people prefer this approach.

3. Your health is important because it allows you to enjoy life to the full. Poor lifestyle choices can increase your chances of getting cancer.

These lifestyle changes people who have been diagnosed for cancer are equally important. In fact many detoxification diets and other ways to reduce toxins in your body are adopting. Angeles Health International offers an alternative cancer treatment is called functional oncology.

Many different phases of the program, which consists of a cellular nutrition. The detox, alkalinization, a hypo allergenic diet plans, supplementation, amino acids and essential fatty acids IV therapy including IV therapy. Functional oncology because cancer treatment is a holistic approach.